Sometimes you need to amplify 🔊 your training, and sometimes you need something different in the mix to avoid training tedium. We get it, sticking to doing one or three things all the time can feel endless and quite honestly it can get boring. 🥱

Now, we’re not suggesting going bonkers and throwing all your hard work away because you’ve hit your 3 month itch into your fitness schedule ⛔. But, what if there were something a different enough to keep things interesting whilst complimenting the strength goals 🎯 you’ve been working towards – how would that sound?

We think it sounds awesome 🙌. So that’s why we have the pleasure of introducing the newest member of our team, Dan! 

Dan, who proudly hails from the UK’s more northern climes is here to break up the “samey” in your training. He’s a strongman specialist which means he’s got all the tools and experience to help you take a peek 👀 out of your comfort zone and have a go at training strong wo/man style.

So, if hoisting atlas stones 🌍 is your thing, or perhaps hauling heavy loads 🚛 is right up your street then you’re going to love Dan’s sessions. 

You can find out a bit more about Dan, here.

Get 2 weeks free!

Sitting on the fence about signing up? We get it – we wouldn’t want to buy before we try either! That’s why we offer a 2 week free trial so you can come along and see what we’re all about.