Battle Ropes Or Pain Noodles – You Decide!

Battle Ropes Or Pain Noodles – You Decide!

Know that phrase “learning the ropes”? Well, it’s very valid when it comes to the big old heavy noodles we’ve got in the gym. Battle ropes are a super versatile bit of kit that are bound to get your heart pumping and you’re muscles screeching… but there is more than...
Kettlebell Snatch – Keeping It Tidy!

Kettlebell Snatch – Keeping It Tidy!

Not everyone likes a snatch it’s true 🙀. Maybe it’s because it’s one of the most physically challenging and technical movements to perform with a kettlebell, but once you’ve mastered it you’ll see huge benefits in your strength, power, conditioning and overall...
Enter The Strong Man

Enter The Strong Man

Sometimes you need to amplify 🔊 your training, and sometimes you need something different in the mix to avoid training tedium. We get it, sticking to doing one or three things all the time can feel endless and quite honestly it can get boring. 🥱 Now, we’re not...
Kettle Bell Clean – Snap to it!

Kettle Bell Clean – Snap to it!

Ah, the kettlebell clean! A movement we’re sure that you are all familiar with by now and a fundamental movement to master before you move on to other delights such as the clean and press. Brilliant for those of us who spend too long sitting, this one is a great...
The Sled – Not Just For Santa

The Sled – Not Just For Santa

As it’s December, we thought we’d keep with the Christmas theme and focus on the Sled (AKA The Prowler). This metal contraption will work your full body – quads, glutes, hip flexors, calves, hamstrings… and more.  You can pull it or push it, load it with weights...