Ah, the kettlebell clean! A movement we’re sure that you are all familiar with by now and a fundamental movement to master before you move on to other delights such as the clean and press. Brilliant for those of us who spend too long sitting, this one is a great counterbalance to hours spent at a desk. It’s a two part movement:

Set up

As you would before you lift/swing a kettlebell for anything, the set up is super important here too. The bells should be in front of you, feet hip distance apart. Hinge into position and grasp the bells ready to go.

Swing into the rack

Swing the bells backwards as you would for a swing, but instead of propelling the bells parallel to your chest, draw them upwards keeping them close to your body and into the rack position. The movement should be smooth and explosive – it’s a hip SNAP not an arm wrestle.

Form check

The bells shouldn’t bang your wrist, forearm or chest. If you’re experiencing this, we’ll help you tweak your style to get you on point – just let us know!

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