Engine House Hero – Judicious Jonathan

Engine House Hero – Judicious Jonathan

At the end of every year, we like to review how our members have been doing overall, who’s been in, who’s done what and when. And we reckon, a good indicator 🧭 is attendance 💯 Last year, Jonathan had the most open gym attendances with a whopping 186 under his belt...
Engine House Hero – Astounding Alison

Engine House Hero – Astounding Alison

November’s Engine House Hero is Alison! 💪 Alison has been training us with a little over a year now, having racked up 194 classes. One of her goals was to achieve an unassisted pull up. Sounds like a small goal, but pull ups can be one of those movements that...
Engine House Hero – Keen Kara

Engine House Hero – Keen Kara

Kara gets her spot in our Engine House Hero Hall Of Fame for stepping out of her comfort zone, setting herself a challenge and sticking to the plan. When we asked Kara if she was going to take part in the Mettle Bender Competition a few months ago it was at first a...
Engine House Hero – Top-Notch Terry

Engine House Hero – Top-Notch Terry

This month’s Engine House Hero is Terry (not Barry) 💪 If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Terry at the gym, you’ll know that this chap is always there with words of encouragement for his fellow training buddies, no doubt a skill he picked up in his army days when...
Engine House Hero – Legendary Lydia

Engine House Hero – Legendary Lydia

This month’s Engine House Hero is Lydia 💪 Not only must we congratulate Lydia for bringing not one, but TWO bambino’s 👶👶 into the world, we could not possibly pass up the opportunity to commend her dedication to keeping strong and healthy during her pregnancy. Lydia...