Gym Blog.

The Barbell Landmine – unloved and underrated
You might not have seen this rather small attachment in the gym that allows you to shove a barbell in the end of it, but despite its size, this uber versatile swivel joint can give you a host of benefits when you use. It’s a great way to help out with pressing,...

Battle Ropes Or Pain Noodles – You Decide!
Know that phrase “learning the ropes”? Well, it’s very valid when it comes to the big old heavy noodles we’ve got in the gym. Battle ropes are a super versatile bit of kit that are bound to get your heart pumping and you’re muscles screeching… but there is more than...

Engine House Hero – Mountaineering Magdalena
This month’s Engine House Hero is Magdalena 💪 What more can we say? There’s taking a hike, and then there’s hiking to Everest Base Camp ⛰️ to raise funds for - this month of course our Engine House Hero has to be Magdalena! The dedication she’s shown in...

Biggest Loser Challenge
Back at the beginning of the 2023, we invited our intrepid gym goers to enter our Biggest Loser Challenge - an 8 week programme to kick start their new year goals and set them on the path of sustainable change to make habits that should last a lifetime. The prize? An...

Engine House Hero – Brilliant Ben
This month’s Engine House Hero is Ben! 💪 We can’t deny it, Ben has achieved some incredible things over the past month or so. Winning the Biggest Tosser Tournament and placing first in the Biggest Loser Challenge really goes to show what you can do when you get your A...

Kettlebell Snatch – Keeping It Tidy!
Not everyone likes a snatch it’s true 🙀. Maybe it’s because it’s one of the most physically challenging and technical movements to perform with a kettlebell, but once you’ve mastered it you’ll see huge benefits in your strength, power, conditioning and overall...

Enter The Strong Man
Sometimes you need to amplify 🔊 your training, and sometimes you need something different in the mix to avoid training tedium. We get it, sticking to doing one or three things all the time can feel endless and quite honestly it can get boring. 🥱 Now, we're not...

Kettle Bell Clean – Snap to it!
Ah, the kettlebell clean! A movement we’re sure that you are all familiar with by now and a fundamental movement to master before you move on to other delights such as the clean and press. Brilliant for those of us who spend too long sitting, this one is a great...

Engine House Hero – Sensational Shannon
This month’s Engine House Hero is Shannon! 💪 Shannon has shown exceptional prowess in mastering the barbell and all of its lifts. 🏋️♀️ By understanding the technique, 🔨 nailing down the nuances of the movement and consistently training 📅, Shannon is making a...

Biggest Tosser Tournament
Our little impromptu tournament in the gym on the 21st Feb saw lots of willing challengers to compete for the grandiose title of Top Tosser, and pitting themselves against the tractor tyre to see how many times they could flip it in under a minute. Phewie! We’ve never...