If you’ve read our guide to the half turkish get up, then this is the follow on to learn the full movement pattern for the full turkish get up. Remember, if you’re a beginner, then the kettlebell is optional – only consider using weight once you’re 100% confident you won’t drop it.

Setup & Movement

Starting position

  1. Lie flat on your back on an exercise mat in the fetal position.
  2. If using a weight, hold it in your right hand keeping it close to your chest


  1. Roll onto your back:
    • Roll onto your back, keeping hold of the kettlebell in your right hand and close to your chest
    • Your left arm should be out to your side at around a 45 degree angle from your body
    • Bend your right leg keeping your foot flat on the floor, keeping the left leg flat to the floor and slightly extended so you form a V
  2. Extend your arm:
    • Raise your right arm so that it’s extended and pointing towards the ceiling
  3. Push up on your left arm:
    • Raise your left shoulder and push your torso to an upright position by leaning into your left forearm which remains on the ground. Your right arm should remain towards the ceiling
  4. Sit upright:
    • Sit nice and tall still with your right arm pointing towards the ceiling
  5. Transition to half kneeling:
    • Push from your right heel and drive your hips into the air to go into a full hip extension
    • Swing your left leg undernath you so you’re in a half kneeling position
    • Your left knee should be under your left hip and your right foot remains flat on the ground
    • Bring your right leg into position so it’s pointing the direction as your left leg
    • Keep the weight straight above overhead as you do this
  6. Stand up:
    • Drive through your front heel and stand up
  7. Reverse the movement:
    • Take your time and work your way back to step 1 with the exception of the hip extension

Benefits Of Full Turkish Get Up

Protect your shoulders

Your shoulders are quite vunerable, you know? That’s why it’s important to make sure you have not only good shoulder stability and mobility. Your shoulder is made up with lots of smaller stablising muscles form your rotator cuff muscle group. The full turkish get up works this little tribe of muscles improving your shoulder stability AND as a bonus makes sure your bigger shoulder muscles (deltoids) have a solid foundation to work from.

Develop your core

The full turkish get up helps your rotational strength by working the muscular sling connections between your hips and shoulders.

Mobility and flexibity

Performing the Half Turkish Get-Up involves various joint movements, promoting better joint mobility and flexibility, especially in the hips, shoulders, and thoracic spine.

Functional strength

The exercise requires coordination between different muscle groups, promoting functional strength that translates to everyday movements and activities.

Posture gains

The Full Turkish Get-Up emphasizes maintaining a stable and aligned posture throughout the movement. This can contribute to better overall posture.

Neuromuscular Coordination

The exercise challenges your body’s coordination and proprioception, enhancing the connection between your muscles and nervous system. The Full Turkish Get-Up also involves movements across the body’s midline, promoting cross-lateral connections between the brain hemispheres, which can have cognitive benefits.

Muscular endurance

Strengthening the stabilizing muscles and improving joint mobility can help prevent injuries, especially in the shoulders and hips.

Muscles Used

  1. Hamstrings
  2. Glutes
  3. Quads
  4. Hips
  5. Core
  6. Back stabilisers
  7. Shoulder stabilisers
  8. Forearms

Full Turkish Get Up Variations

Reverse Getup

Start in the finishing position of the full get up (ie. standing). This makes the flow easier, and is great for those getting familiar with the full get up.



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