Gym Blog.

Engine House Hero – Keen Kara
Kara gets her spot in our Engine House Hero Hall Of Fame for stepping out of her comfort zone, setting herself a challenge and sticking to the plan. When we asked Kara if she was going to take part in the Mettle Bender Competition a few months ago it was at first a...

Full Turkish Get Up – Step By Step Guide
If you've read our guide to the half turkish get up, then this is the follow on to learn the full movement pattern for the full turkish get up. Remember, if you're a beginner, then the kettlebell is optional - only consider using weight once you're 100% confident you...

Engine House Hero – Fantastic Fran & Astonishing Amberly
These wonderful beings took part in the Spartan Summer Gathering, Fran bagged 1st place and Amberly snaffled 2nd in the female first timers class - so we reckon they deserve kudos for doing so brilliantly - amazing work ladies! 🙌 Sitting on the fence about signing up?...

Engine House Hero – Top-Notch Terry
This month’s Engine House Hero is Terry (not Barry) 💪 If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Terry at the gym, you’ll know that this chap is always there with words of encouragement for his fellow training buddies, no doubt a skill he picked up in his army days when...

Half Turkish Get Up – Boost your stability and strength
Y’all know we love a turkish get up in the gym - but we also know it’s one of the most technical exercises we teach and hardest to master. So if you’re struggling with it, or have yet to have a go, then the half turkish get up may be a great back to basics starting...

1000lb Club – Henry & Dan Graduate
Welcome to the 1000lb Club, Henry & Dan! 💪 What is this club you might well ask... well it means that some peppy souls managed to lift a total of 1000lbs (or 453.592kg to be precise) with their 1RM for back squat, bench press and deadlift in one session. Here's...

The Bent Over Row – Best back exercises for muscle growth
Row, row, row your bar, one, two, three and four, if you see sparkly ✨ stars try not to hit the floor. We jest, the bent over row will quickly become one of your go to best exercises for muscle growth, we promise! The barbell row is a wonderful compound exercise that...

The One Armed Deadlift – Balance is your friend
Not something you often see being done in the gym, but we reckon the long forgotten one armed deadlift deserves a bit of lime light and is something new you can try to spice up your life. So, pick it up on the left, like you’re having a good time… pick it up on the...

Engine House Hero – Legendary Lydia
This month’s Engine House Hero is Lydia 💪 Not only must we congratulate Lydia for bringing not one, but TWO bambino’s 👶👶 into the world, we could not possibly pass up the opportunity to commend her dedication to keeping strong and healthy during her pregnancy. Lydia...

Engine House Hero – Triumphant Terry
And May's Engine House Hero is....... TERRY! 💪 We’re spotlighting Terry for May because despite his initial reservation 🤔 about entering the Crazy Strength BDFPA Competition, he stepped up to the plate (quite literally) and did an amazing job of achieving all of his...