Know that phrase “learning the ropes”? Well, it’s very valid when it comes to the big old heavy noodles we’ve got in the gym. Battle ropes are a super versatile bit of kit that are bound to get your heart pumping and you’re muscles screeching… but there is more than one way to use these unassuming coils…


Set up

All the moves we’ll outline below have the same set up:

  • Starting with your feet hip-width apart
  • Bend your knees slightly, shoulders back and engage your core

Types of movement

Check out some of these battle rope movements to get you going.

Bilateral waves

As demonstrated by Q above. Swing both ropes just below shoulder height at the same time.

Unilateral waves

Swing one rope with your right hand. As you swing it back down, swing the other rope with your left hand. Ropes should be moving opposite one another


Push into the balls of your feet and extend your legs as you lift the ropes with both hands above shoulder height. When you hit peak height, slam the ropes down as hard as you can into the floor, then bring the ropes up again & repeat.

Jumping slams

As normal slams, but lower into a squat position and jump into the air whilst swinging the ropes as high as you can. On the descent land on the balls of your feet and return to a squat position whilst slamming the ropes into the floor.

Ski slams

Lift your arms up then bring them back down moving them from one side to the other. 


With your right hand, swing one rope out to the side in a circular motion. As the rope returns to the start position, do the same with your left hand

Fireman’s carry

Coil the rope up and sling it over a shoulder and do a sprint whilst carrying it. Swap the side you’re carrying the rope half way through.

Starting positions

Above are just a few of the many moves you can make with battle ropes that can be done whilst standing. But that’s not the only position / movement you can take whilst training with ropes in your hands. There are plenty of other ways to get the most out of this simple piece of kit by changing your stance from standing to kneeling, half kneeling, kneeling-to-get up, side lunges, planks and remaining seated. But, what ever move or position you decide to use you can guarantee the ropes will hit every muscle you’ve got, especially shoulders, arms, traps, legs your glutes and core.

Benefits of battle ropes

Cardiovascular health: Battle ropes workouts are excellent for improving your cardiovascular fitness. They can help increase your heart rate and oxygen intake, leading to better heart health.

Strength and endurance: The resistance provided by battle ropes requires the use of multiple muscle groups, resulting in improved strength and endurance. This makes them a great addition to any strength training program.

Full-body workout: Battle ropes engage your entire body, including your core, legs, arms, and shoulders. They work your muscles in a unique way that can’t be achieved with traditional weightlifting exercises.

Low-impact: Battle ropes are a low-impact exercise that places minimal stress on your joints. This makes them an ideal workout for people with joint issues or those who are recovering from an injury.

Improves balance and coordination: The undulating motion of the ropes requires coordination and balance, which helps to improve your overall physical performance.

Versatile: Battle ropes can be used for a variety of exercises and can be incorporated into a variety of workout routines, making them a versatile piece of equipment.

So, if you’re looking for a workout that’ll leave you feeling like a boss, look no further than battle ropes. Not only will they give you a full-body workout, but they’ll also have you feeling like a badass warrior ready to take on anything. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want arms so toned they could crush a watermelon? Plus, you can mix things up and pretend you’re a boxer punching out your frustrations or a whip-wielding dominatrix. Get ready to slay!

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